Monday, August 29, 2011

Monica: Social Studies Homework #2

                               Lesson Review    
1.      Why is Olduvai Gorge so important in the study of human origins?
Because Olduvai Gorge is the place where the earliest human ancestors lived.
2.      Use each of the following vocabulary words in a paragraph about the Leakeys’ work at Olduvai Gorge.
archaeology        fossil
excavate             theory
            Louis, as an archaeologist, carefully excavate, historical sites, pottery, and fossils, with his with his wife, Mary Leaky. They were looking proves that Leakey’s theory that the Olduvai Gorge region was where our earliest ancestors originated.
3.      Why is it important to know about our human ancestors?
So you know where we come from and it makes you who you are today.
4.      Why is Olduvai Gorge sometimes referred to as the “ Cradle of Humankind”
Because in Olduvai Gorge was the place were the ancestors lived.                 

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